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10/19 9:41分補


UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

看樣子Schism之後X-Men的兩大派系主要成員大致可以從圖上底定啦!(小艾瑪居然跟Storm一國...有得吵了吧?) 兩邊都不吸引我啦!龍哥我還是追隨你而去吧!


UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Havok跟煩人精(跟她媽一個樣)Rachel要回來了... 我不確定我要高興還難過,希望Havok能克服他的哀哀叫老么症候群(因為已經有個Vulcan接班了),還有Rachel能給我閉上嘴就行了。

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UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Two important details came out at the very end of the fifth and final of this week's "MMXI: Year of the X-Men" Marvel Comics conference calls with the press: the fact that the full title of the four-issue, Paul Jenkins-written miniseries starting in May is X-Men: Prelude to Schism. It was previously solicited as just X-Men: Prelude.

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UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


The future of Marvel's X-line continued to roll out today as the focus of the publisher's MMXI relaunch of the books turned towards "Uncanny X-Force." Writer Rick Remender joined the talk with members of the press along with editors Nick Lowe and Jody Leheup, and CBR News was there with all the news on the future of the black ops book.

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Amongst the classic TV celebs, wrestlers and Star Trek cast members that populated the floor of this year's Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con, comics events, booths and talent also worked their way into the overall pop culture mix including one of the newest faces on the best-seller side of the superhero scene: Victor Gischler.

UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

剛看到有個消息說Hope是Rachel...別的先不說,從血緣上來看邏輯就不通嘛 難道又有人冷凍了琴的卵子跟龍哥配對不成?(眼光射向某個有此前科、最近整容過的傢伙...*Mr. [Ms?] Sinister*)


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UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

終於下定決心跑去三重看強者天下了...嗯,整體說來,戰鬥部分流暢度跟氣勢很不錯,畢竟會動又有音效的畫面跟紙上的靜態圖像當然有差,不過缺點也是有的,問題就出在敵人人設實力不足(根本是被打假的,怪物都比手下強)、獅鬼跟兩個部下搞笑的橋段又很勉強(有點難笑耶),全員西裝出場的那一剎那倒是真的很帥!(所以敗了Strong World那一隻日版香吉士POP我是無怨無悔啦,雖然真的蠻貴的...)


UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Joe Quesada(=J.Q)是Marvel的老闆,決定把小蜘蛛跟瑪莉珍拆散的就是他(所以被一堆人怨恨:P我不是蜘蛛迷所以不是很在乎◎話說回來,如果漫畫的Mary Jane跟電影裡很像的話...那倒不如拆散的好,不過聽說不太一樣)

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UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The mutants of the Marvel Universe can’t seem to catch a break, can they? March 2010 marks the beginning of the third and final chapter of the X-line’s largest crossover ever - Second Coming! Cable has returned with the mutant savior and the game is about to completely change; but, that doesn’t mean the X-Men’s world hasn’t been turning since they left. Recent events in the Uncanny X-Men have started to already change the constant evolution of the title: Henry McCoy has decided to leave and the shock ending of Uncanny #521 has had fans of the popular Marvel series talking since last Wednesday with the return of Kitty Pryde.

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Writing a team book is a challenge in that it forces a scribe to come up with interesting plot points and circumstances that give each member an opportunity to shine. This is a tricky proposition when you have a team composed of six individuals, but try imagining a group that's two hundred strong and growing. In light of Cyclops' declaration that all mutants on Utopia are X-Men, this is the situation that writer Matt Fraction deals with as he writes Marvel's "Uncanny X-Men."

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By 1980, Marvel Comics readers had become accustomed to the strange, exciting and tumultuous world of the X-Men and their fellow mutants, but in "Uncanny X-Men" #130, they were introduced to a different kind of mutant, Alison Blaire AKA Dazzler. Blaire was both a mutant and a musician, so she had to deal with the dual perils of the superhero and entertainment worlds. After her initial appearance in "Uncanny X-Men," Dazzler didn't do the expected and join the intrepid band of mutants, opting instead to set out to make her own way in the world.

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