Joe Quesada(=J.Q)是Marvel的老闆,決定把小蜘蛛跟瑪莉珍拆散的就是他(所以被一堆人怨恨:P我不是蜘蛛迷所以不是很在乎◎話說回來,如果漫畫的Mary Jane跟電影裡很像的話...那倒不如拆散的好,不過聽說不太一樣)
Kiel Phegley: On the flip side of the Heroic Age stuff that will
follow on the heels of "Siege," we've got some X-Men questions coming
up. First off, marvell2100 asked about the connection between the
mutants and the new branding, saying, "What will the Heroic Age do for
mutantkind? Will there be more tolerance towards them? Are they going a
little more mainstream? Having a few on teams outside the X-books would
be nice."
Joe Quesada: Two big events in the Marvel Universe are going to
shape the X-Men's universe, marvell2100. "Siege" and the upcoming X-Men
event, "Second Coming." More than anything, these are the stories that
will rock your X-Men lovin' tuchas from here to the Savage Land!
In "Second Coming" several years' worth of X-Men stories are coming to
a climax when Hope, the so-called "Messiah Child," finally returns to
the present, triggering the biggest threat that the mutant race has
ever faced.
For real.
But here's the thing... is Hope mutantkind's salvation, their ruin, or both?
No seriously, I'm askin' ‘cause I don't know, Axel Alonso won't tell me.
Ever since he and Tom Brevoort got promoted to Editorial VPs, they walk
around the halls of Marvel referring to themselves in the third person.
Anyway, I guess we'll all find out together. That said, I hear it's an
epic story that will present the X-Men - particularly Cyclops - with
some of the toughest choices they've ever had to make, and not everyone
will make it out alive. [Cue dramatic music accents].
Kiel Phegley: Beyond that, we know that a lot of what the future
holds in store for all mutants will come with the "Second Coming"
family event. But Marvel released a pretty oblique teaser ad for what
was on tap in July, simply stating "We Are The X-Men" and having some
blood spattered on the logo. I know you don't want to do anything to
spoil the upcoming stories, but at the same time, what exactly are fans
supposed to get or infer out of that image? Can we expect a shakeup to
the team? A change in the publishing slate similar to what's going on
in Avengers? Some more death and decimation?
Joe Quesada: I love the tone of that question! You sound upset
that we're teasing you. It's called a "teaser"! You're supposed to have
a lot of questions. But since I like you, here are some answers. The
blood splatter actually has two meanings. The first can be found in
"Second Coming" - a story that will strengthen the bond that unites
them. Well, those who survive it, anyway. The second, well, it has to
do with the X-Books post-"Second Coming," and we'll be announcing more
very soon. Blood factors heavily into the X-Men's future.
Boo-yahh! See what I just did there? I answered your teaser question
with another teaser... ah, never mind. This is wasted on you.