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好愛這張圖,龍哥跟西洋棋這玩意就是很搭~ Marvel如果做一套這種西洋棋盤,我一定買來收藏,反正我有想學西洋棋的念頭好久了。

UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

我拿到X-Men/Avengers Utopia精裝版了,在超商躺了三天我才去接它...可見新工作真的讓我累了。

UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Legacy 也要換畫者了嗎? #231看起來很不錯...難得Carey的預告圖裡沒見到Rogue,Blindfold一直都是個怪異的孩子...不知道她是Mystique老相好Destiny的女兒這件事是不是真的。

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GN Comics: First, let's tackle the concept of Second Coming. We know Cable and Hope are returning, what else can you tell us about the storyline at this point?

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UraniaChang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Marvel Comics made a host of new announcements during the 2009 summer convention scene but none of them have surprised fans of Marvel’s X-books like the announcement of a re-powered Magneto in the pages of Uncanny X-Men after the conclusion of the current "Utopia" storyline featuring The Dark Avengers. Not only does the threat of the mutant master of magnetism appear to be lurking on the horizon but so do the winds of change; the next arc in is entitled "Nation X" and will significantly tie-in to the return of the X-Men’s greatest villain.

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