
親愛的龍哥,在24小時備勤的漫漫長夜裡,只剩下你在我手機桌布上的倩影(?)能陪我了,希望這一篇Origin故事不要讓我失望,雖然我覺得你的背景故事已經是所有X-Men中最完整的,不論如何,銀子我已經準備好了,就等書上架~ BY 頂著兩顆熊貓眼的U.C



Stuart Moore brings Scott Summers back to his roots in the one-shot X-MEN ORIGINS: CYCLOPS #1

"This special plays directly into that [journey], building a portrait of a man who would first work with Professor X, and then break away to forge his own path," says Moore. "Hopefully it works as a self-contained character piece, but also [in] the big mosaic that is the X-Men."

In order to get at the heart of Cyclops in the present, Moore looked backwards to a pivotal moment in the history of the X-Men.
"The story is framed around the first time Professor Xavier asks Cyclops to take over for him as leader of the X-Men," Moore reveals. "That's an important beat, the decision that casts Scott's life in stone, you could say. Everything else leads up to that."

The "everything else" the writer alludes to gets fleshed out to a level that may be more in-depth than what most X-fans have encountered to date with Cyclops.

"There were certain things that cried out to be expanded on," Moore points out. "The supposed death of Scott's parents at the hands of a Shi'Ar starship has always been shown as a quick flashback. We really explore what it means when Scott first has to take care of someone else-his brother. Scott's first important meeting with a so-called evil mutant is fleshed out a lot, too.

"We see him taking care of his brother Alex, and we see his first breaks with Xavier, his surrogate father. And the beginning of another crucial relationship, too-not the one you're thinking. No, not that one either."
Moore does not buy into the one-time common complaint about Cyclops being bland or dull. He encourages readers who feel that way to take a deeper look at the character and see where that staidness really comes from.

"He's not boring, but he is brooding," the writer explains. "He's the responsible leader, the guy who'll lead you to hell and get you back safely. I've always loved the idea of this guy with all that power he must
keep under control, or else people will die. We explore the beginnings of that power, how it affects Scott when his mutant abilities first begin to surface. We've all been teenagers; we can all relate."

Overall, Moore expects that readers will find something to sink their teeth into, be they new to the Cyclops fan club or a long-term follower of the eldest Summers brother.
"It was a challenge to pick through the character's past and show him developing those traits while still crafting a thrilling story. I think it all came together nicely, and there should be a few surprises even for hardcore Cyclops fans."

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