STORY BY Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
ART BY Clayton Crain
COVER BY Clayton Crain
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 16th, 2009
The unthinkable happens as NECROSHA continues! Selene's actions on
Genosha have changed everything, and while the X-Men were desperate to
save their species...this isn't what they had in mind. But as the siege
by dead mutants continues, things get even deadlier with the arrival of
Selene's very much ALIVE Inner Circle at the X-Men's headquarters. With
Eli Bard in tow, WITHER, MORTIS, SENYAKA and BLINK have come for one
thing, and anyone who gets in their way will die. PART THREE (of SIX)
STORY BY Mike Carey, Duane Swierczysnki
ART BY Daniel Acuna, Steve Dillon
COVER BY Daniel Acuna
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 16th, 2009
It’s Rogue and Trance vs. Emplate -- a villain who has single-handedly
taken down teams of X-Men A-Listers. Do they stand a chance? We sure
hope so as X-MEN LEGACY #231 is on sale two weeks later! Don’t miss the
killer climax to the huge first arc of the new direction on X-MEN
LEGACY! Plus, a Cable backstory!
STORY BY Duane Swierczynski
ART BY Paul Gulacy, Lan Medina, Humberto Ramos
LETTERS BY VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY Marko Djurdjevic
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 16th, 2009
From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the infant
“mutant messiah,” he’s had only one goal: keep Hope alive until she can
choose her own destiny. But now, stranded on a planet in its death
throes, eating fried rat on a stick for the millionth time, Hope turns
to Cable and tells him she’s ready to go home. Thus begins
“Homecoming,” the penultimate chapter in the X-Men saga that began with
“Messiah CompleX.” It’s not only zero hour for Cable and Hope, but also
for the mutant hunting them, Lucas Bishop, who is rapidly running out
of chances to save mutantkind and the world. Because if Hope does make
it back to the present, everything changes for the X-Men.
貼到現在終於有一本我非常想看的,而且只有龍哥跟笨蛋狼衣衫不整是怎樣?XD (那個撒隆巴斯也太大片了吧?還是這是因為美國什麼都大的關係嗎?)
STORY BY Warren Ellis
ART BY Phil Jimenez
COLORS BY Frank D'Armata
LETTERS BY Chris Eliopoulos
COVER BY Phil Jimenez
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 16th, 2009
“EXOGENETIC,” PART 3 Dead mutants turned into biological
weapons…genetically-reprogrammed Brood sleazoids…missing data on Henry
McCoy's research computers…the truth about what Abby Brand was trying
to burn out on Cruithne. It all adds up to an attempt to remove
mutantcy from the planet Earth entirely -- and the rise of the
Here at X-POSITION, we carefully study the mutant corner of the
Marvel Universe every week. In doing so, we know that homo-superiors
are the next stage in human evolution (provided they don't become
extinct). So where do alien races fit into this equation? Well,
according to a few individuals - like Henry Gyrich - who work at
S.W.O.R.D., they don't.
S.W.O.R.D. (the Sentient World Observation and Response Department) is
an intelligence and counterterrorism organization. Headed by Agent
Abigail Brand, they are supposed to monitor and head off alien attacks
on earth. As seen in "Secret Invasion," however, they failed…miserably.
Henry Gyrich has now been given the position of co-commander of
S.W.O.R.D., and he's working off an agenda that is quite different from
Brand's (who is, herself, part extraterrestrial). Sparks are about to
fly, and X-Men Beast (Brand's current boyfriend) and Lockheed are
coming along for the ride.
Kieron Gillen ("Phonogram," "Dark Avengers: Ares," and "Thor") is the
writer of the new ongoing "S.W.O.R.D." series. Issue #2 is in stores
tomorrow, and readers can expect everything from sneak attacks to
military coups. There's bound to be questions, so in a preemptive
strike, Gillen joins us today to answer your emails. Ready to do battle?
Hunter Lambright starts things off today with a few queries on gods, robots, and giant projectiles:
1) How hard or easy was it to make the changeover from writing gods
("Dark Avengers: Ares") to writing a space-monitoring agency?
For me, writing is all about research. So doing "Ares" and "Thor," I've
been backpacking around the afterlife for a few weeks. I was crashing
on Ra's sofa, and picking up some tips and going to his crazy parties.
You wouldn't believe the scenes.
(Oh, rough guide to the divinities' spheres tip: don't go to an Egyptian Party if you've got a cat allergy).
Anyway, I when I realized I had a S.W.O.R.D. script due, I had to get
out of there ASAP and call in a favor with a mate with a UFO (I'll
identify it - it's a flying saucer) and go hang out with some
extraterrestrials. I got lots of great material, but got a bit tipsy
and woke up with an Alpha Centurian lady. Shame and regret. I do these
things for you, true believers.
In short, I found it worryingly easy. They feed into different parts of my imagination. It's great having an outlet for both.
2) It's obvious (to me, anyway) that you're building Unit up as both
a threat and as a storyline that's going to have a big payoff. How long
before we see Unit's story come to a head?
That's totally the sort of question you ask, but you'll be disappointed
if I actually gave you a straight answer. I'm going to have to be as
deceptive as Unit itself.
Not that he's deceptive. He's entirely trustworthy and has no
ill-intentions towards the rest of existence. He's in that cell just
because it's the only room they had available on the Peak. He won't
skin you. Just let him out, turn around, and count to forty.
3) Beyond the (awesome) backup story with Lockheed, will the
Kitty-Bullet storyline eventually be finished in "S.W.O.R.D.," or will
we have to look to other books for closure?
I think it's safe to say it'll be a little while yet before the issue
of the troublesome space-bullet will be resolved. Lockheed is going to
need more Jack Daniels.
WhoZeDuke would like a spot of tea with his cosmic adventures. Any chance you could help him out?
First of all, I really like everything you are doing at Marvel,
especially "Dark Avengers: Ares." Regarding "S.W.O.R.D.," will we see
more characters from the British corner of the MU appear? Personally,
I'd love to see Pete Wisdom show up in a scene with Brand…
Thank you! Regarding Mr. Wisdom, I'm not sure the Peak is big enough to
house those two particularly gargantuan egos; though I'll agree, it
would be fun to watch. At the moment, I've no specific plans for any
more Marvel UK characters bar our favorite freelance peacekeeping agent.
Also, any news on when the last two issues of "The Singles Club" will be out?
Crikey! A crossover reader. Cage them.
In an unprecedented event, issue #6 of "Phonogram" is actually out this
week, less than a month from the previous one. It's probably a sign of
the end times. I haven't got a date for the seventh yet, but I suspect
early January. We're disappointed we couldn't get it all out before
2010 - because it's the most 00s book in existence, y'know - but the
universe and our own uselessness have conspired against us. Hopefully,
it'll be worth the wait.
Up next, Jeff Burger is curious as to how Earth and its heroes factor into S.W.O.R.D.'s adventures:
1) Since "Annihilation," Marvel's Cosmic Universe continues to be ripe
with stories and shows no signs of slowing down. With "S.W.O.R.D.," I
am wondering if we are going to see more stories tying earth in with
the cosmic universe to a greater extent. Will "S.W.O.R.D." focus more
on earth issues, cosmic issues, or try and balance the two?
I see S.W.O.R.D. exist on the meniscus between the cosmic and earth
spheres. Ideally, I'd want to draw stories from how the cosmic events
impact earth. In other words, I want to be able to draw from both.
2) Can we expect to see Spider-Woman in any issues of "S.W.O.R.D.,"
as she was made an agent in the first issue of her new series?
She turns up in issue #2 for a brief cameo. I'm using "cameo" in its
true technical meaning of "banging someone's head into the pavement".
3) Will S.W.O.R.D. have any interactions with earth's heroes? With
Beast as a member, will there be many dealings with the X-Men? What
about other teams such as the Avengers (‘Mighty' or ‘New')?
Cyclops and White Queen turn up towards the close of issue 2. The
Mighty or New Avengers aren't showing up in this arc, but the Dark
Avengers appear in issue 4.
There's a lot of cameos in the first arc. It's a story about a global
action. We're using all manner of hyper-compression techniques to try
and show the scale and variety of what's going on.
There's another cameo Sami Dawed is hoping for. What do you say?
I loved the first "S.W.O.R.D." issue! When I looked at the upcoming
solicits, Karolina Dean is mentioned twice and her face appears as one
of the many Gyrich is studying. With the recent hiatus status of
"Runaways" announced, are you going to reference the cliffhanger of the
final "Runaways" issue before moving her into "S.W.O.R.D."? Can you
share any other details about her upcoming appearance?
Thank you, Sami! Glad you enjoyed it. Regarding Miss Dean, she actually
appears in issue #2 in one of the aforementioned cameos, and has a
speaking scene in issue #3. And that's all I'm saying. You can't make
me say more. Well, you could, but it'd involve torture, and you seem
far too nice a person to apply white-hot brands to the bare soles of my
Sami is too nice. Chrisss Topher, however, has some fiery pokers for you if you try and avoid his questions…
1) Any chance of the Starjammers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova Corps,
or any of the other Marvel cosmic groups making an appearance?
Not in the first arc. This is very much an inwardly-looking story
rather than playing on the cosmic scale. I'd love to do one though. I
can imagine Brand has particularly sharp things to say about all of
them. She's a very mean woman.
2) I know Thor and Asgard will be involved in a huge story very soon, but is there any chance of a Thor/S.W.O.R.D. story?
Well, Beta Ray Bill's dependent - as introduced in "Beta Ray Bill:
Godhunter" (available now in a fine trade paperback edition!) - is a
resident of the Peak, so there's a link between these two parts of the
Marvel Universe. Nothing explicitly planned as of yet - though I
imagine Gyrich did at least think about whether the Asgardians counted
as "aliens," before deciding he had enough on his plate right now. Bill
does turn up in a few cameos throughout, most noticeably in issue #5.
I've used the word "cameo" far too much in this interview. Forgive me.
Consider me punished, as I've now got "Word Up!" stuck in my head.
Dammit - it's stuck in my head now too. I'm hoping it stops by the time you finish answering these five queries from Andre4000:
1) Thanks so much for bringing back Death's Head - he was one of my
favorite Marvel characters from the 90s! I remember him as being a
rather "bloody" character. Is he going to be an ongoing nuisance for
S.W.O.R.D., or is his appearance now a one-time bit of fun?
I was giggling when bringing back Death's Head. He was absolutely
perfect for the tone of the series. Yes, he's violent, but there's a
playfulness underlying everything. A mercenary who's as mercenary as
Death's Head is an interesting one to lob into the mix.
Death's Head is actually a constant presence across the first arc. The
hefty combat/fisticuffs/blast-out (or, as you may call it, "fight") in
the second issue should give you a taste of how I'm using him.
2) With Gyrich's mission of ridding earth of aliens, will he be
going after some of the more well-known aliens? How about the new
Captain Marvel (a.k.a. Marvel Boy), Beta Ray Bill, the Silver Surfer
(or is he not on earth at the moment)?
Yes, yes and no respectively; although if the Surfer popped in, Gyrich would have a crack. Somehow.
As people will see in the second issue, Gyrich has been planning this
for long time. He's got continuity plans for most of the ones who you'd
think would be tricky to get. Clearly, you can't just walk up to a lot
of these people and say "Go home."
Admittedly, the Dreaming Celestial is going to be awkward.
3) An X-character I enjoy (but haven't seen in awhile) is Hepzibah.
Will she be making an appearance in this book? She might be a valuable
asset to have as a member of S.W.O.R.D.
She would be a valuable asset, but I suspect she's going to be holding
a grudge against S.W.O.R.D. for some time after what they do to her in
the second issue.
4) Can you foresee any future storylines where S.W.O.R.D. will cross paths with Galactus? He's a huge ongoing threat to earth…
He is. You can only imagine how something like Galactus gets under
Brand's skin. It's her worst nightmare in an enormous genocidal
purple-helmeted form. Admittedly, I've got no immediate plans to use
him; however, if you want to see how Brand actually thinks about
Galactus, I'll direct you at the first and last issues of "Beta Ray
Bill: Godhunter" (available now in a fine trade paperback edition, if
you haven't heard!), where Brand and Bill have a good old chin-wag
about him.
5) It feels like Unit is something we've seen before…or maybe not.
Is he/she/it a new threat? Or just a new iteration of something we've
seen before? Can you give us any hints?
Why do people keep on going on about Unit being a threat? He's lovely. Honestly, let him out and everything will be fine.
Okay, you'll know Unit a lot better by the end of the first arc. Or at
least, you'll know what he's telling people…which you should believe
every word of, because there's no chance he'd ever do something as foul
as lie to you. I mean, look at that cherubic blue-robotic face. If you
can't trust him, who can you trust?
Let him out. He will not skin you.
That's twice you've mentioned "skinning" when talking about Unit. I'm frightened.
We're through with reader email for the day; now it's my turn. We ask
our guests a "get-to-know-you" question each week, so here's yours…and
we'll make it S.W.O.R.D.-related! Do you think extraterrestrials exist?
And do you believe they've been to Earth yet? Why or why not?
They exist and haven't been to earth yet because it's covered in
humans. Or they landed in my home town of Stafford, looked around and
decided it really wasn't worth staying. Or…yes! Of course Aliens exist!
I have the DVD box-set, etc.
Oh, it's a tricky one, y'know? You can't boil it down to a simple
answer. It always struck me as fairly arrogant to think that we're the
only life in the galaxy. Conversely, there's the Fermi paradox, which
is a tricky one to get around - though I like seeing people come up
with glorious theories about it (the "all sentient life gets to a
certain spot, then gets stuck playing something like World of Warcraft"
one is a perennial fave).
Generally speaking, and looking at the evidence, I think sentient life
is a rare and precious commodity. But you don't need to bring
extraterrestrials into that to be true.
Nation X之作者怎麼說-(是我的錯覺嗎?我怎麼覺得龍哥又跟Northstar飄出粉紅色愛心的感覺?但是圖這麼卡通是怎樣?這又不是可愛巧虎島?)
podmark asked about backups over in the X-Universe, saying, "In
regards to backup stories has there been any consideration in giving
Uncanny X-Men a regular backup feature? The X-books have such a huge
cast right now (which I like BTW) that lots of characters get pretty
light screen time and for a while I've been thinking that a regular
backup focusing on different characters or plot points that didn't fit
into an arc might be a good idea. Could be done in place or in tandem
with the semi regular anthology minis we've been getting like 'Nation
X' and 'Manifest Destiny?'"
The idea of backups is a good idea, podmark, and the X-Men group is
considering that at the moment. It just depends on the story and the
characters that we feel fit well with respect to being backups. But if
you're talking
about a monthly X-title that wraps up loose ends or visits characters
we haven't seen in a while – it's not something we're looking to do at
the moment, as it takes a solid hook to try to make something like that
sell. Backups that allow us to keep in touch with the more tangential
characters and storylines within the X-verse are a more feasible option
for us right now.
With such a big cast populating "Uncanny" and the other
books these days, how different is the X-Franchise today from when
there were so many mutants before "House of M" paired down the mutant
population? Have those changes held?
I think they've absolutely held, and a lot of the stories we're
telling today we wouldn't have been able to tell without "House of M."
It's not so much about how many particular X-Men characters appear on a
page. It's more about what's going on tonally in the world of X-Men
where they're supposed to be a minority – part of a downtrodden race
who is feared and loathed. That particular core metaphor at the heart
of X-Men starts to resonate less and less when you bump into mutants
around every corner of the Marvel Universe.
There was a time when it felt like, as a reader, you were bumping
into mutants everywhere, in every Marvel book. It felt like there were
fewer normal people than there were mutants in the world. I mean, I get
it, the X franchise is huge, and the temptation is to create more and
more mutant characters, but at the end of the day, you still want to
create the feeling that they are a small minority, a blip on the screen
of the world populace. It's tough to tell stories about what is
supposedly an endangered species when they keep popping up everywhere.
The idea was to whittle it down so that the core metaphor, which
has always been perfect from the day it was created, could work
properly again. Once in place, it allows us to tell stories that put
the cast within its own ticking evolutionary clock. So, regardless of
whether you see one or ten mutants within an issue, or even a page,
tonally the world has been reset to make the reader (again, if we've
done our job right) feel like these mutants are scarce and truly
struggling for survival. They are still a very small minority and have
to watch each others' backs. That's what we wanted to get to, and I
think it still stands. If anything, I think Axel and his group have
managed to amplify that feeling even more.