
說真的,X-Men VS Agents of Atlas #1是啥時出的我一點印象都沒有[更正:只有封面那張是第二集,其他內頁都是第一集...Marvel又叛逆是吧?],可是看來挺不錯的樣子。不過話說回來,全世界都可以偷你們偏挑一個空島上擠滿X-Men的要塞來偷是怎樣? 超能力團體裡對X-Men也有偏見是吧? = =|||

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順便附上Agents of Atlas的起源,Copy自SHHB, by Manic

The Agents of Atlas are superhero terrorists, if that makes sense.

It all dates back to the Golden Age and Atlas Comics. Atlas Comics published a comic called The Yellow Claw, which was about a stereotypical evil Chinese supervillain named Yellow Claw who was always being foiled by a young Chinese-American FBI agent named Jimmy Woo.

Yellow Claw founded a terrorist group called the Atlas Foundation. Jimmy Woo and a group of superheroes took over the Atlas Foundation, and they're now trying to use Yellow Claw's old resources to do good.

So the Agents of Atlas are good guys posing as bad guys. As for what the X-Men are doing with them... it just looks like Atlas is trying to steal Cerebra (probably "for the greater good" and I wouldn't be surprised if they really did intend to give it back), and the groups are about to butt heads.


下面三張是X-Force:Sex and Violence,笨蛋狼是SM的熱衷者,離我家龍哥遠一點!你這個負心漢!(?)

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