看樣子,龍哥可能只會出現在Wii版跟PS2版的 Ultimate Alliance 2裡...
可是我兩個都沒有啊!!!!! 那有什麼用!!!!! 至少放他在PSP跟PC上啊~~~~
[Cyclops. We didn't pick him. Simple as that.
He also said that Wii gets more characters because "their characters are easier to make."
That's not to mention that due to downgraded graphics that the Wii disc
itself simply has more space on it. Space that can be used for other
Many people think that this is a consolidation for DLC. When really we
don't know if that's true. It was made by a completely different
company that simply wanted Cyclops, Blade, and Psylocke. I don't think
their intent was "Well they should get more characters because they
won't have DLC." I simply think they had extra room and the right to
choose different characters if they want to.
If the box is exact then there will be one character (not including
Juggs) that will be missing from the wii. (I hope it's Penance) to make
26 characters. It also could mean that they're not counting the "secret
可見這群做遊戲的根本沒腦子來著...Wolverine? 傢伙千篇一律到讓人想吐的沒創意。
Phoenix? 拜託,X-Men Legend那個無聊到爆(心靈系的角色你是能在電動上表現什麼?)!
Juggernaut? 比Wolverine還沒意義,一個''讓我們撞破一切,而能撞破一切的我是多酷啊!''的無腦角色!(還不如去喜歡Hulk算了)