Is every Storm fan as obsequious to her holiness as Valechan is? Or is she just an exception?
a) Posting a Storm wank image implies your preponderance for comparison of POWA LEVELS. But frankly, what else can be expected with a character as shallow as Storm. Storm is now officially the X-men's very own version of the Sentry, who instead of being bogged down by neurosis, is mesmerized by Oprah.
b) I suppose the point of my Dark Avengers/X-men crossover example went right over your head. I'll spell it out for you more simply.
Cyclops = acting as a central character to a major story arc
Storm = probably changing bedpans
Which of these actions do you suppose has more impact on the contemporary X-men narrative and future storylines?
Since you're rather obtuse, i'll give you a hint: It's not those of the lady with the stink fingers.
By the by, he's also not acting like Magneto, but if you're offering that sort of distortion, I doubt you would be swayed by any form of:
Magneto would have just slaughtered the humans.
Cyclops' motivations have nothing to do with any sense of Genocentric superiority.
Cyclops' plans have the implicit approval of the consensus of the remaining mutants left on Earth (hence his unofficial designation as leader of the mutants), whereas Magneto never had the impetus to even bother soliciting approval from anyone before launching ahead with his cockamamie ideas.
"I care only for my own people- Homo Superior- mutankind. They..are merely human. ~ Magneto" is not a sentiment Cyclops has ever expressed nor has he even come close to.
Cyclops has coherent plans that involve more subtlety than "Bow before me pitiful genetic dead enders!"
etc., etc., etc.
Seen through the prism of actual military strategy, what Cyclops' tactics have accomplished become clearer.
Normally I wouldn't bother clarifying that point, as you blatantly have no appreciation or understanding of contemporary military tactical doctrine, nor do you exhibit any sort of depth or capacity for intellectual curiosity beyond Storm wank [notation: -best ways to], but I suppose it would behoove me to do so anyway.
To simplify things, i'll use current U.S. military doctrine as my framework for analysis of how Cyclops island plan works.
The United States Army's United States Army Field Manual of Military Operations contains 9 basic principles for military strategy. For space condensation purposes, there will be a brief summary of the principle followed by some elaboration of the tactics Cyclops has involved to fit said doctrine:
Objective - which is to direct every military operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective
Cyclops has created the environment for a decisive battle in shifting the field of combat to the island and generating media attention to whatever retaliation Norman has been goaded into. Somewhat importantly to note as well, by shifting the field of operations to the island, Cyclops has also created an environment wherein collateral damage to and civilian casualties from San Francisco are pretty much negated.
Offensive - wherein combatants seize, retain, and exploit initiative
The entire scenario was initiated by Cyclops. Norman is being forced to retaliate.
Mass - where there is a concentration of combat power at a decisive place and time
I think this one is patently obvious. No need for elaboration here.
Economy of Force - An allocation of minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts
Cyclops sending Dani to Las Vegas to meet with Hela is a good example of this.
Maneuver - Placement of the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power
Cyclops was able to choose the field of battle, where he is more familiar with the resources and terrain available than Norman. At the Marin Bases, Osborn likely already had a certain amount of information regarding the specifications of the buildings and defenses from his intelligence sources. The island, to him, is a complete blank, however. As a result, Cyclops will have a definitive advantage regarding how to set and apply his forces against Norman
Unity of Command - Wherein with every objective there is a unity of effort under one responsible commander
Security - Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage
Norman had his mutant hostages at Alcatraz and had his own "team" of unlikely "X-men" lead by Emma Frost. Cyclops has certainly nipped that in the bud.
Surprise - Strike the enemy at a time, at a place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared
Springing the mutants from Norman's prison while simultaneously moving everyone else to the island was both unexpected by Osborn, but an impressively improbable feat from a logistical standpoint as well.
Simplicity - Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding
See here:

c) Reference to Storm and Dragonball was used in a manner to emphasize the shallowness of both. I don't particularly care who the last saiyan is.
d) I'm not gonna argue the merits of why you love Storm in as much as opinions are opinions. For instance, in certain parts of the world, animal testicles are a beloved delicacy, however foul they may be to my sensibilities. Similarly, if your interests veer toward shallow and venal characters like Storm, that's really your problem not mine. I'm neither inclined nor obligated to swallow your detritus.
However, when you try to pass off something as demonstrably false as claiming Cyclops has not nor ever had a personality, I do feel somewhat of a responsibility to call you on your BS. The fact that he's such a favorite among a plethora of both X-writers and X-fans, along with his prominence in the entire mythos of the X-men's past and very much so in the present, imply that he's rather more than you try to pidgeon hole him as.
a) Posting a Storm wank image implies your preponderance for comparison of POWA LEVELS. But frankly, what else can be expected with a character as shallow as Storm. Storm is now officially the X-men's very own version of the Sentry, who instead of being bogged down by neurosis, is mesmerized by Oprah.
b) I suppose the point of my Dark Avengers/X-men crossover example went right over your head. I'll spell it out for you more simply.
Cyclops = acting as a central character to a major story arc
Storm = probably changing bedpans
Which of these actions do you suppose has more impact on the contemporary X-men narrative and future storylines?
Since you're rather obtuse, i'll give you a hint: It's not those of the lady with the stink fingers.
By the by, he's also not acting like Magneto, but if you're offering that sort of distortion, I doubt you would be swayed by any form of:
Magneto would have just slaughtered the humans.
Cyclops' motivations have nothing to do with any sense of Genocentric superiority.
Cyclops' plans have the implicit approval of the consensus of the remaining mutants left on Earth (hence his unofficial designation as leader of the mutants), whereas Magneto never had the impetus to even bother soliciting approval from anyone before launching ahead with his cockamamie ideas.
"I care only for my own people- Homo Superior- mutankind. They..are merely human. ~ Magneto" is not a sentiment Cyclops has ever expressed nor has he even come close to.
Cyclops has coherent plans that involve more subtlety than "Bow before me pitiful genetic dead enders!"
etc., etc., etc.
Seen through the prism of actual military strategy, what Cyclops' tactics have accomplished become clearer.
Normally I wouldn't bother clarifying that point, as you blatantly have no appreciation or understanding of contemporary military tactical doctrine, nor do you exhibit any sort of depth or capacity for intellectual curiosity beyond Storm wank [notation: -best ways to], but I suppose it would behoove me to do so anyway.
To simplify things, i'll use current U.S. military doctrine as my framework for analysis of how Cyclops island plan works.
The United States Army's United States Army Field Manual of Military Operations contains 9 basic principles for military strategy. For space condensation purposes, there will be a brief summary of the principle followed by some elaboration of the tactics Cyclops has involved to fit said doctrine:
Objective - which is to direct every military operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective
Cyclops has created the environment for a decisive battle in shifting the field of combat to the island and generating media attention to whatever retaliation Norman has been goaded into. Somewhat importantly to note as well, by shifting the field of operations to the island, Cyclops has also created an environment wherein collateral damage to and civilian casualties from San Francisco are pretty much negated.
Offensive - wherein combatants seize, retain, and exploit initiative
The entire scenario was initiated by Cyclops. Norman is being forced to retaliate.
Mass - where there is a concentration of combat power at a decisive place and time
I think this one is patently obvious. No need for elaboration here.
Economy of Force - An allocation of minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts
Cyclops sending Dani to Las Vegas to meet with Hela is a good example of this.
Maneuver - Placement of the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power
Cyclops was able to choose the field of battle, where he is more familiar with the resources and terrain available than Norman. At the Marin Bases, Osborn likely already had a certain amount of information regarding the specifications of the buildings and defenses from his intelligence sources. The island, to him, is a complete blank, however. As a result, Cyclops will have a definitive advantage regarding how to set and apply his forces against Norman
Unity of Command - Wherein with every objective there is a unity of effort under one responsible commander
Security - Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage
Norman had his mutant hostages at Alcatraz and had his own "team" of unlikely "X-men" lead by Emma Frost. Cyclops has certainly nipped that in the bud.
Surprise - Strike the enemy at a time, at a place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared
Springing the mutants from Norman's prison while simultaneously moving everyone else to the island was both unexpected by Osborn, but an impressively improbable feat from a logistical standpoint as well.
Simplicity - Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding
See here:

c) Reference to Storm and Dragonball was used in a manner to emphasize the shallowness of both. I don't particularly care who the last saiyan is.
d) I'm not gonna argue the merits of why you love Storm in as much as opinions are opinions. For instance, in certain parts of the world, animal testicles are a beloved delicacy, however foul they may be to my sensibilities. Similarly, if your interests veer toward shallow and venal characters like Storm, that's really your problem not mine. I'm neither inclined nor obligated to swallow your detritus.
However, when you try to pass off something as demonstrably false as claiming Cyclops has not nor ever had a personality, I do feel somewhat of a responsibility to call you on your BS. The fact that he's such a favorite among a plethora of both X-writers and X-fans, along with his prominence in the entire mythos of the X-men's past and very much so in the present, imply that he's rather more than you try to pidgeon hole him as.
我討厭Storm不是一兩天的事了,膚淺的角色、整天抱著什麼蠢女神、女王的頭銜自慰(大概是史上最大公主病病患),還有她那一群無腦自大的粉絲,聽不得別人說這位女王有哪一點不如人(大概撇條都比別人香就是了),幾乎討厭到一看到她的臉我就起排斥反應的程度;至於龍哥嘛~U.C一直都覺得他是個需要年歲跟經驗來欣賞的角色(幾乎吧,龍哥的粉絲大多都是成年人)(意思就是U.C太老成,因為打從十歲開始就喜歡他),青春期、無腦暴走族、喜歡挑戰權威型的人大概都不會欣賞(讓他們欣賞也是件受侮辱的事),不過要是世上每個人都喜歡一樣的東西那人生多無聊? (在SHHB還看到有個人說他很在意龍哥讓死洞[真完美的諧音,以後就這麼稱呼她]變成邊陲角色,好像那是他的問題似的,還是說一個領導人下決定都得先考慮兩旁的人有沒有足夠的發揮空間?)