喔喔,難道Uncanny X-Force這次要對上的是阿拉丁裡的壞巫師嗎?
After the events of "Second Coming," X-Men mainstays Wolverine and
Archangel took a hard look at the super teams of the Marvel Universe and
decided to save them from the hard resolutions of killing the very evil
villains that needed killing. They reached out to fellow X-Man
Psylocke, the mercenary Deadpool, and the mutant thief Fantomex and
formed their own top-secret team to do the bloody but necessary work
that other heroes didn't have the stomach for. In the current arc of the
ongoing series “Uncanny X-Force” by writer Rick Remender and artist
Jerome Opeña, the team embarked upon their inaugural mission, to end the
threat of the villainous Apocalypse forever. It's a mission that's
proving to be a lot more dangerous and complicated than they ever
expected. CBR News spoke with Remender about his plans for the series.
One of the reasons X-Force's mission to assassinate Apocalypse has
proven so difficult is that Apocalypse's followers in the Akkaba Society
have awoken the Final Four Horsemen and sent them into the field to do
battle with X-Force. The Final Four Horsemen are mutants from different
points in history that serve as Apocalypse’s chief enforcers. They each
have powers that live up to their ominous code names of Death,
Pestilence, Famine, and War. In issue #3 of “Uncanny X-Force,” in stores
now, Remender revealed the detailed origins of each of the Horsemen.
“I wanted the Final Four Horsemen to be very distinctive and very unique
and I wanted them to be mutants taken from various points in time.
Because the idea behind them was that these are the mutants Apocalypse
collected over the years and basically just flash froze them. They were
put in virtual reality and trained and he kept them on the side waiting
for the last hurrah. This is basically the beginning of the last
hurrah,” Remender told CBR News. “When you do these origins you write a
lot and then you edit it down and show only the cream. That's what I
think people respond to. You have to find a concise and terse way to get
these ideas across that is quick, interesting, and doesn't feel like
your drenching the reader in self-referential, almost masturbatory
“So with the Final Four Horsemen the plan was that they each get a story
that feels unique and gives you a glimpse into who they are beyond the
fact that they're just a hero or a villain and to do that quickly in a
way that fully fleshes them out,” Remender continued. “I spent more time
on those four pages with their origins then I did on the rest of the
script. It's never easy. The research for the Four Horsemen took a lot
of time. Your villains need to be as important as your heroes, though.
They need to breathe and hopefully we accomplished that with the
Remender finds creating fully fleshed-out villains for a series like
“Uncanny X-Force,” where the main characters are actively trying to kill
them, a double-edged sword. “When you deal with stuff in the
mainstream, a lot of time in the back of your head you expect things to
go a certain way. You have assumptions like, ‘that’s not going to
happen’ or 'there's no way it's going to end this way.' I want my books
to constantly surprise you. In my 'Punisher' series I wanted Frank
Castle to lose the fight to Wolverine's kid. So by the end of it you're
shocked that his head has been cut off. You should feel that shock when
you read a story,” Remender said. “It's hard to create a lot of
characters that you love and put that much time into knowing that they
might get a claw in the head. But at the same time if you put that much
time and energy into them, when they do get that claw in the head
there's an emotional reaction. I feel like when readers see that much
time and background being invested in a character it makes them wonder
if the character is going to die. So now the reader is invested and they
care. So hopefully it adds a level of suspense and a level of
excitement because people don't know what's coming next.”
In the aftermath of X-Force's battle with the Final Four Horsemen, the
five team members were separated from each other. Archangel and Deadpool
were trapped on the moon’s surface, Fantomex and Wolverine were
prowling the halls of Apocalypse's massive underground chamber that
houses SHIP, and Psylocke was just about to infiltrate Apocalypse's main
chamber. So in “Uncanny X-Force” #4, the final chapter of the series'
initial arc, Remender will have a chance to explore some individual
character dynamics.
“One goal of mine in storytelling and in doing comics is to take
something that could be stretched into seven issues and tell it in four.
I want to make sure you're getting only the very best and the most
important cream. Watch the Coen Brothers' 'True Girt' and you’ll see
there's no fat on the bone. They come late and they leave early. That's
the kind of storytelling I like. Don't waste my time. Give me the cream
and get in and out. So with only five characters I'm capable of doing
that,” Remender said. “What we do have in issue #4 is a really big
moment that a lot of people will enjoy. There are some big surprises at
the end with what's going on with Warren [Archangel]. We get into
Warren's head a little bit and I saved that to the end. If you read the
first three issues Warren has been there and he matters, but he's been
reacting to the rest of the team on some level. There's a little
mistrust there as well. That's so we could get into his head at the end
of issue #4 and reveal what's going on. When you see the internal
monologue and what's going on in Warren's head, it adds a different
dimension to this story. He and Deadpool spend the majority of the issue
together and it was a very fun dynamic, especially when Deadpool
realizes that he has to save Warren's life because Warren is dying from
the effects of Famine's powers.”
The final page of “Uncanny X-Force” #3 had Psylocke discovering that
when the Akkaba Society resurrected Apocalypse, the mutant villain was
reborn as a young boy. So in issue #4 Psylocke and her teammates will
have to make a tough choice about the boy's ultimate fate.
“Betsy [Psylocke] loves Warren and she goes into Warren's head on a
frequent basis fixing what's going on in there between him and his
Archangel persona. That's what Apocalypse has done to her man. So what
if your spouse, your girlfriend, or a person you love has been so
terribly tampered with by some malevolent badass and you went off on a
mission to kill that person? You get all built up and you get banged
around and you almost get killed. You fight your way through this place
and you finally get there and you open a door only to discover that
things aren't what they seem,” Remender said. “Here is this doe-eyed
ten-year-old kid and at that point it comes down to Betsy as a character
and a human being. She's a character that I love and have been reading
about for almost 25 years. So my nerd encyclopedia goes through who I
think she is at that point and I think that obviously you define your
characters on how they react to just this situation. That's why everyone
has been so excited about this arc and why we've had so much fun
writing it. So many of these situations define the characters based on
how they decide.”
The decisions X-Force makes in issue #4 will have consequences that will
come back to haunt the team for some time. “I just finished my outline
for this series up to issue #17 and we have some things happening in the
book that are so big that I don't think anybody will anticipate them.
Everyone is crazy excited. You probably won't expect how issue #4 ends
and everything is interconnected in this series; the Deathlok stuff, The
World, Kid Apocalypse, the Akkaba Society. There are so many twists and
turns coming up that every issue will be a revelation.”
On February 16th Remender and artist Esad Ribic (“Loki”, “Silver Surfer:
Requiem") kick off the second arc of “Uncanny X-Force” with issue #5.
It's a storyline with roots that stretch back as far as Grant Morrison's
2002 “New X-Men” storyline “Weapon Plus,” which established the titular
sinister program as the creators of Fantomex, Captain America,
Wolverine, and Deadpool while also introducing their massive lab and
artificial environment complex, “The World.” The second “Uncanny
X-Force” arc also picks up elements from writer Jason Aaron's “Dark
Reign: The List: Wolverine” one-shot, in which Fantomex used a stolen
shrink ray to miniaturize the World and then put it in his pocket. It
also picks up some threads from Aaron's “Tomorrow Dies Today” arc of the
“Wolverine: Weapon X” series, which featured multiple copies of the
cybernetic soldier from the future known as Deathlok.
“One thing that's fun about working in an interconnected universe is
taking things you like by other people, and Jason and I are buddies who
talk frequently about stories. When we were discussing his issue of 'The
List' I was writing notes. Then when Jason was going to do Deathlok in
'Weapon X' we spent two days on the phone and we figured out the first
part of his story and then the second part would be the basic building
blocks of what I'm doing in 'X-Force'. In 'The List', Jason established
that there was a file on Norman Osborn's desk about the World, which was
labeled 'Project Deathlok,'” Remender explained. “That all tied it
together for me. So with this second arc we are definitely picking up a
lot of Jason's stuff and a lot of stuff that we cooked up together about
the Deathlok mythology. We want to make Deathlok a big deal and I think
we figured out a way to do it. Then beyond that, there was the Grant
Morrison's stuff which I then reread several times. I really got my head
into how he operated the World and what the potential of the World is.
At that point I was in New York and had chatted at length with editors
Jody LeHeup and Axel Alonso and the ideas began to solidify. That night
with Esad and we were having dinner and we started talking about some of
the potential for the World and what could be going on in there. We
cooked up some very, very cool things.”
The main antagonist of the second arc of “Uncanny X-Force” is the
enigmatic Father, the architect of the World. The plot of the story
revolves around his attempt to reshape reality using the cybernetic
Deathlok Virus.
“The Deathlok virus is precognitive evolution. It's seeding itself in
all dimensions. So these Deathloks aren't just time traveling. They're
jumping through dimensions seeding the Deathlok virus and it's not
nefarious,” Remender revealed. “Father thinks, ‘All these super heroes
and villains are destroying the world. They're causing environmental
catastrophes and cities are always being blown up. So why don't we just
have a Big Brother-style program that puts a robot cap on their heads,
i.e. the Deathlok virus, and make them controllable police that can then
go out and be used to usher in utopia? So Father's plan is to spread
Deathloks throughout the Everdimensions and create a Utopia in every
possible situation. These Deathloks are always computing about things
like the probability of future success. They also compute the
probabilities of other futures. They might see the possibility of a
Nimrod robot in a 'Days of Future Past'-style scenario and try to
calculate how to stop that and make sure that their future is the one
that happens. So the hit of the 'Deathlok Nation' arc is that in order
to achieve their goals X-Force must kill the future.
“While still in New York, I spent a day in the office with my editor
Jody LeHeup. We had a black board and we made sure that just for these
three issues we spent an entire day in there breaking it down to be
tight and perfect, seeding our future plans for the World and thinking
how it's going to play into future arcs like an upcoming story involving
the Shadow King,” Remender continued. “It's solid. And of course Esad
Ribic being inked by John Lucas and being colored by Matt Wilson makes
for a supreme art team. So the people who are spoiled by Jerome Opena
and Dean White’s work on the first arc will not be disappointed. “
X-Force's initial outing to kill Apocalypse was complicated by the fact
that that the villain had been reborn as a small boy. In the “Deathlok
Nation” arc, the team must once again wade through morally murky waters
because their chief opponents are victims of the Deathlok virus and have
not necessarily made a conscious choice to do evil.
“If you're writing 'X-Force' the challenge it to make sure every kill is
a difficult kill. I don't think there should be many situations where
it's cut and dry. That's something that Jody and I have spent a lot of
time working on for these upcoming arcs. Jody had a great idea for
something that that comes up involving the Shadow King and I had a
couple of other ideas that tied into it. That led to four or five other
very crucial and difficult assassination jobs. Each one they make has
consequences. So the dominoes start falling all over the place and
they're forced to make other compromises and do other things. Then
behind it, all as the dominoes start falling, the reality is if humanity
were to discover that there was a squad of X-Men that murdered people
it would start a war,” Remender remarked. “It would be the end. So
they've got a lot of pressure in terms of keeping their existence a
secret. Also I really like the idea that like Hitchcok says, 'Killing a
man should be a very difficult endeavor.’ It should never be an easy and
simple decision and it should never be easy to accomplish. Beyond that
I'm a fan of the consequences of murder. It's what makes ethical
dilemmas like 'would you kill Hitler as a baby? and if you did, who
would take his place?' so fascinating, and it leads to great drama.”
X-Force's mission against Father and the Deathloks continues in March,
but that month also sees the release of the special “X-Force” #5.1
issue, which features art by Rafael Albuquerque (“American Vampire”) and
pits the team against another cybernetic threat: Lady Deathstrike and
the villainous Reavers. “#5.1 takes place between issues 4 and 5
continuity wise. Again, it plays another big role in stories that are
coming up. It's actually a huge piece of the puzzle,” Remender stated.
“The Reavers and Lady Deathstrike are back in Australia. They've grabbed
up Gateway again and I can't really get into the specifics, but things
are sort of how they were when we first saw them in that situation back
in ‘Uncanny X-Men’ in the late ‘80s. Gateway is in a situation where he
has no choice but to work with the Reavers again.
“Deathstrike has been rebuilt and is back in her original Barry Windsor
Smith designed form. The main six Reavers of the Australia era are back.
So you've got Macon, Cole, Reese, Bonebreaker, Pretty Boy, and
Skullbuster,” Remender continued. “There's a lot of cyborg activity
going on in 'X-Force' this spring. It's all going to build. I like
seeding things. I like telling stories that might leave you wondering
'what the hell was that all about?' Then maybe ten issues later things
explode in your face and you realize that there was something going on
Though the artist did a “Fear Agent” backup tale, “Uncanny X-Force” #5.1
is the first full collaboration between Remender and Rafael Albuquerque
and the writer hopes it’s not the last. Remender has been consistently
amazed by the artist’s work on the issue and would love to collaborate
with Albuquerque again. “Rafael’s art is spectacular. We’ve literally
had like five project together almost start over the past few years,
including a creator-owned book we still have plans for. One thing that
we had discussed while we were working on this issue was the work of
Barry Windsor Smith on 'Uncanny X-Men' when he was doing Lady
Deathstrike and the Reavers. We also talked about Marc Silvestri's work
on the later Reavers stuff,” Remender said. “I dug through those and did
a lot of scanning and sent a ton of reference to Rafael because I
really wanted to capture that era's aesthetic. He took it and tweaked it
and made it his own in a way that will blow away both X-fans going back
and new fans. These characters have a whole new life breathed into them
while still maintaining their classic aesthetic.”
Fans of Remender’s work know that the writer’s affinity for cybernetic
characters stretches beyond Marvel cyborgs like Lady Deathstrike, the
Reavers, and Deathlok. “I don't know what it is about cyborgs. I know
that there's something cheesy about them, but I swear to god everything I
write ends up having a cyborg in it," the writer laughed. "I've gone
back through my books and there are plenty of cyborgs in 'Fear Agent.'
'Doll and Creature?' Sure, cyborgs. 'Blackheart Billy?' Skate punk with a
robot head. And now we have the Reavers and Deathlok here in ‘X-Force’,
which came from an idea I had dealing with the World. We’ll see that
start to unfold in issue #5.
“There's something aesthetically about cyborgs, though. It might just be
my art brain more than my writer brain, but I do love them and I think I
figured out a really great hook for why there are so many cyborgs in
these storylines. There will be a lot of seeding for that going on
issues 5, 5.1, 6, and 7. There are some things that will play out in the
bigger story that develops with the fourth arc and might play a big
role beyond.”
Ultimately Remender views the first few arcs “Uncanny X-Force” as
chapters in a novel. He’s working hard to make sure that these stories
can be enjoyed on their own, but he’s striving just as hard to make sure
they fit together to tell one grand saga. “That's the great thing about
sequential periodical storytelling. I can go big and I like to. My
current Punisher mini-series 'In the Blood' is the end of a 26-issue
story that literally began in the first and second arcs of my ‘Punisher’
series with Henry Russo and Microchip,” Remender said. “So the trick
here is to make sure that the arcs break down in a way where you can
come in at the beginning of each arc and you can be a new reader and get
into things, but also that it all fits into a bigger story that rewards
people who read from day one. I've got the series outlined up to issue
#16 and I’m working on 17-20 now. Now I've got it locked down and we
know everything that happens up until that point and everything that's
happening now builds up to that. So if people like that kind of story;
like a big, churning pot that boils over, then explodes soup on you,
poke you in the eyes and sets your house on fire; that's what's coming.
Literally. Get insurance. ”
From: Henry Peter Gyrich, Anti-Mutant Task Force
TO: Simon Trask, Director Ops
Stephen Lang, Deputy Ops
Bureau Chiefs
As requested, summary information on mutants known to be behind the
“Fortress X” barricade. Full files and supporting documentation
available on request.

James Proudstar
John Proudstar (brother). Died in custody.
Bethany Proudstar (half-sister). Took own life.
Proudstar came to our notice after an initial Exonim sweep of Arizona
and New Mexico led to the death of his brother and the incarceration of
several known confederates. We knew there was another X-gene positive in
the area, but until post-mortem examination of John Proudstar
identified him beyond doubt as a mutant, we didn’t have any description
to go on. This was in the early days of the Exonim program, so dedicated
hunter cadres were thin on the ground and concentrated – for political
reasons – on the East Coast.
Proudstar proved exceptionally resourceful and resistant to capture.
Conventional forces deployed against him seldom even raised his trail.
When a hunter cadre was eventually sent, he lured seven Exonims into a
box canyon and destroyed them by toppling rock chimneys on them. He even
showed a certain satirical humor in choosing the site of this ambush –
known locally as Wasted Effort Rock.
Local bureau chiefs will be aware that we attempted to set up our own
ambush using Proudstar’s half-sister, Bethany, as the bait. This plan
was to some degree frustrated by her suicide, but Proudstar walked into
the ambush in any case, determined to retrieve the woman’s dead body.
His state of mind at that point is unknown, as he killed every officer
The next time he surfaces is at Fortress X. Unusually, the name
Berserker was given to him not by his own side but by our forces. His
recklessness and unthinking ferocity repeatedly play right into our
hands: then he tears his way out again.

Julian Keller
William and Elizabeth Keller. Parents. Serving life terms at Lompoc
federal prison for harboring a mutant. Elizabeth identified as X-gene
bearer and sterilized.
James. Brother. Dead (see Operation Clean-Sweep).
Keller came from a rich family – new money, but plenty of it. That
probably helped him to stay off our radar for as long as he did,
although former West Coast Director Robert Monahan was certainly both
unwise and premature when he declared the Western seaboard mutant-free.
Keller might have evaded capture for many years longer if it hadn’t been
for his own arrogance. He allowed himself to be seen at Los Angeles
clubs and restaurants, and maintained a highly distinctive 1967
Chevrolet Camaro. Following that trail without undue difficulty, MRD
investigators found that Keller had been living for a year and a half in
a bespoke underground shelter fitted out to luxurious standards.
The next sentence ought to read: “and that shelter became his burial
mound.” However, the field officer assigned to the operation wholly
underestimated Keller’s telekinetic powers. A laser attack intended to
kill him instantly, before he even knew an attack was imminent,
succeeded only in severing his hands and forearms. Keller was able to
stanch the flow of blood telekinetically, and tore his way through the
attacking Exonims to effect an audacious escape. Three jet fighters
pursued him: the largest piece of metal obtained from the subsequent
wreckage measures seven millimeters.
Keller was one of the last mutants to make his way to Fortress X, having
by that time survived on his own resources for three years. He was part
of no resistance group, was sheltered by no pro-mutant agencies and
made contact with no foreign sympathizers. He seems to have made a point
of pride out of not accepting any help from others.
It’s not known what finally brought him to respond to Magneto’s call.
Perhaps he reached the limits of his own sturdy self-reliance. Or it
could be that Megan Gwynn (see below) had a hand in recruiting him, as
she’s known to have done for Sofia Mantega and Sidney Green.

Megan Gwynn
Owen and Brenda Gwynn
Grandparents. Dead.
Possibly related to Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind): DNA comparison was
suggestive, but inconclusive.
Gwynn was born in Wales, and there’s ample reason to wish she’d stayed
there. She and her grandparents were part of a general expulsion of
X-gene positives from the United Kingdom, with the apparent intention of
settling them on a series of small islands in the Irish Sea.
That plan became moot when Irish separatists bombed one of the ships
carrying the transportees, and the others turned back. The Mutant
Liberation Front seized control of the ship carrying Gwynn (we believe
it also numbered Jonathon Starsmore and Elizabeth Braddock among its
passengers) and ultimately were able to berth it at the Canadian port of
Gwynn was as green as grass when she arrived, and was one of many
mutants recruited, groomed and trained by East Coast mafia crime
families. It’s known beyond doubt that she served the Carcotti
organization as a runner and enforcer. Must have been quite a culture
shock for a kid brought up in the Welsh valleys, but – obviously – she
survived and thrived in that Darwinian environment.
Fun fact: Gwynn used to have butterfly wings, and went by the
nausea-inducing pseudonym of Pixie. Her current shoulder accessories are
more demonic in nature, and apparently they arrived on the night of the
Bleecker Street Massacre (qv). As far as we know, Gwynn hadn’t killed
anyone up to that point. God knows, she’s making up for lost time now.