不知各位有沒有注意Marvel新企劃'Age of X'系列?有點像另外一版的Age of Apocalypse的感覺,只求他不要爛頭、爛尾,爛中間就好,創新題材是不奢望啦...
X-Factor Forever也到了!我等下就要去領貨~(轉圈
STORY BY Mike Carey
ART BY Paul Davidson
COLORS BY Brian Reber
LETTERS BY VC - Cory Petit
COVER BY Leinil Yu
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE; Wed, November 24th, 2010
After suffering heavy damage during Bastion’s attack on mutantkind, the
city of San Francisco is rebuilding. Hoping to aid in the
reconstruction effort, Cyclops tasks a team of X-Men — including the
newly-arrived mutant messiah, Hope — to lend a hand. But when something
goes terribly wrong, will the X-Men lose everything they fought for?
雖然這支隊伍是笨蛋狼自己偷偷留下來的,可是等ㄅ一ㄚˋ ㄎㄤ(台語:失敗、曝光的意思)被千夫所指的時候,龍哥大概會替他們吃下來吧...
STORY BY Rick Remender
ART BY Jerome Opena
COLORS BY Dean White
LETTERS BY VC - Cory Petit
COVER BY Esad Ribic
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE; Wed, November 24th, 2010
The X-Force are in deep trouble. Stranded in the Blue Area of the moon
at the hands of the Last Horsemen, EVA decimated, the team scattered,
diseased and terribly injured, the situation is beyond hopeless.
Ozymandias and the Akkaba Society are a step closer to instigating a new
age. Apocalypse is ascending. X-Force is down, outmanned and without
aid. That’s it – someone’s going feral.
Variant Cover by GREG LAND
Dust settles over the rubble of Tokyo. What emerges, for better or
worse, will define the next generation of mutantkind. PLUS, as the
survivors return to Utopia, there is a reckoning between Wolverine and
Teon. One way or the other, it's another unforgettable issue of
Generation Hope.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
There are some new kids on the X-block, and they're young, ambitious,
and backed by Hope - although in this case, that Hope is literal. We are
naturally talking about Marvel Comics' newest ongoing X-series,
"Generation Hope," written by Kieron Gillen ("Phonogram," "S.W.O.R.D.").
The first issue arrived in stores this month and from the emails
received for this week's X-POSITION, it seems fans approve of this
addition to the Marvel mutant universe.
The leader of this new team is Hope, a young lady who may just be the
Mutant Messiah. This raises many questions, but that's why this column
exists – to get you answers. We're providing you with a direct line to
Mr. Gillen himself (who will also be co-writing "Uncanny X-Men"
beginning in December), and all signs indicate he's up to the
challenge. So it's time to reach into that virtual mailbag of our and
let the queries fly!
MarvelMaster616 is back this week and he starts things off with a
question that's on everyone's mind:
1) In Hope's diary of the first issue, she mentioned that others told
her about the Phoenix Force. Did anyone mention Jean Grey? It's been
well-established that Hope has red hair and green eyes. Has anyone
brought up that she bears an uncanny resemblance to her?
I want to write a gag along the lines of "Hope looks nothing like Jean!
Hope's not at all moldy" – but I'm not sure I'll get away with it.
The splendid essay at the back of the issue – the work of Mike
O'Sullivan from Jeph York's premise – is basically an entertaining way
of presenting Hope's story so far. As such, it's going to have to be a
little bit more explicit about stuff which Hope may or may not be as
sure on, so anyone new to the book knows that the cosmic-firebird
imagery has a disturbing precedent. I wouldn't take it as 100% literal
canon in its flourishes, except the part about peanut butter.
(That's hyper-ur-canon. Hope loves Peanut butter. You will believe the
Mutant Messiah can make a tasty sandwich).
So it should be taken as Hope's aware that something is up and people
aren't really telling her about it yet. If we're going to have someone
sit down and tell hope about the Phoenix and Jean Grey, that'll happen
on panel and will be important.
People are being sensitive about it for the understandable reason that
it's a lot to drop on someone. They're watching, trying to support her,
and seeing if it is actually a real thing or something else. To stress
the point: Hope has lost her father a couple of weeks – at most – ago.
No one wants to drop a "Oh, some of us are worried you may be a
planet-killing cosmic force" on her. Especially since, in her emotional
state, it could – hypothetically – be the sort of thing that could
precipitate a real disaster.
On the other hand, Hope's a smart girl. If no one tells her – given
enough time – she's going to find it out for herself.
That's a long and rambling answer when I could have just said, "No."
Er...no, they haven't mentioned she looks like Jean.
2) Back during "Messiah CompleX," Cyclops gave baby Hope a locket
that contained a picture of him and Jean. Does Hope still have that
locket? Is that issue ever going to be revisited?
This time I will do a short answer: wait and see.
That's better, yeah? A proper Marvel-writer-esque tease. I'm a pro, me.
3) I'm a little bit confused on Laurie's powers. Could you please
explain what she does, or is that something that cannot be revealed
just yet?
She can fly, basically.
Man, that's underwhelming. But yes, she can fly. There was a vague
original-five symbolism underlying our thinking – which isn't exactly
one-for-one – and in power-set terms, she's the team's Angel. A
physically enhanced flyer with a form that's adapted for that purpose.
It's the latter part of that concept where she separates herself from
general flyers – how her form adapts to allow extreme flight and
I've said before, but she's one of the purer characters on the team: a
bookish, emotionally anal girl in chains to her own self-demands has to
learn how to fly. She's very much superpower as metaphor for
character's emotional struggle.
She's proving one of my favorite to write. She's very much the team's
"Captain Sensible" character, stepping in and doing the "Wait, we're
going to do what?" when the more foolhardy and headstrong people are
thinking they're immortal.
f Laurie ever needs a codename, I must confess I like the sound of
"Captain Sensible." But back to the emails, Faded Day sent in several
great inquiries that made me scratch my head. How about providing some
answers while I assure folks I don't have dandruff.
1) I really enjoyed the premiere issue of "Generation Hope!" Laurie and
Gabriel particularly grew on me quickly. However, I have to ask about
the power sets chosen for the first five new mutants since M-Day: other
than Laurie's "shifting crystal" abilities, they possess some of the
more common abilities of the Marvel Universe. Was it intentional to
kind of go "back to basics" to powers that match Quicksilver
(Gabriel), Beast (Teon), and Sunfire/Iceman (Idie)? Do you plan on
introducing any "twists" to their abilities?
Thank you. Glad it worked for you.
As I just said to MarvelMaster616, Matt and my thinking around the Five
Lights was to try and put a hard twist on some of the archetypal
power-sets of the original five.
Angel = Laurie; Beast = Teon; Iceman = Idie; and – well, this is a real
reach – Marvel Girl = Kenji. Gabriel is the exception, though by
resting on super-speed, you're right that we're hitting the archetypes.
I don't want to spoil too much, but we've tried to put a twist on all
of them. I've mentioned Laurie's – though the extremes of it hasn't
been seen yet – but one which would be visible if you really read the
books closely is Idie's. She's not a temperature generator; she's a
temperature manipulator. She moves heat around. For example, you'll see
the ground freezing around her as she summons the fire-blast aimed at
Teon in "Uncanny X-Men" #529. If she can't take heat from somewhere,
she's useless.
That's what I mean: a hard-yet-accessible twist which colors their
specific abilities. While these are core power-sets, they're personal
to them. There isn't a speedster like Gabriel and there isn't a primal
like Teon, and you'll see why in issues #4 and 5, respectively. Well,
start to see in Teon's case. He's a complicated guy for someone whose
vocabulary is more limited than Jamie McKelvie's.
2) Will the series introduce any other new mutants in future issues?
I'm going for a long-answer, short-answer rhythm here: yes.
3) Are there any other characters that may want to shepherd the new
mutants in their own causes? With Magneto now on the side of the X-Men,
are there any characters you envision wanting to steal the lights from
their "savior?"
I think this is a safe assumption, even within the X-Men. Issue #5
circles around the idea of the established X-Men starting to shape the
next generation. Not in a full-on indoctrination way, but about trying
to have a hand in the future. Compare and contrast how Emma Frost and
Kitty Pryde may want them to act.
In terms of people outside the X-Men, well, I'd rather keep away from
that, except that if I were the sort of villain with one eye on the
future, I'd be looking to take Hope and the Lights over to their side.
4) Hope's rebellion against Rogue (and essentially Cyclops) was
entertaining and fun, but do you think her drive and ambition could
become dangerous? How much will the dark possibility of her destroying
the human race come to light?
Yes and lots, respectively. As I said earlier, Hope's a girl who's lost
a lot and is looking for a purpose. That she's thrown herself into
this as hard as she has is, at least partially, a distraction. I'm not
going anywhere near as far as saying a "deathwish" or a
death-by-supervillain thing, but she's someone who really needs meaning
and direction in her life, and she's going to push it that way as hard
as she can. And I think, sooner or later, she's going to have to deal
with some hard consequences.
I think you'll see there's dark notes underlying her basically heroic
nature already. Her dark potential – or, at least, the fear of her dark
potential – is very much one of the key themes of the book.
That was a serious answer. Er...she really likes peanut butter? I've
mentioned that. Moving on.
5) Now that Hope's significance in the mutant world is slowly
expanding, how much of a role will depowered mutants (e.g. Marrow, Wind
Dancer) play in the book? Are any seeking Hope for salvation or even
I think, as word of Hope leaks out properly, that's something we can
logically expect to see.
6) There have been hints that the Phoenix Force is involved in the
restoration of the mutant race, but will the Scarlet Witch become
involved in the book now that her spell has been challenged?
You are full of logical assumptions, Faded Day. I salute your keen,
Holmesian intellect. In this case, we probably better not say anything
until after "Children's Crusade."
Troy Powell had a thought or two with some interesting implications.
Can you tell him if he's on the right track?
In "Second Coming's" Blind Science tie-in we saw a holographic ruse
created by Bastion featuring an out of control Hope Summers, who was
something of a psychic vampire. She was turning other mutants into
drones with urges to feed and protect her. With the current introduction
of the Fourth Light who recognizes Hope as his "Master," could there
be some truth to Bastion's deception? The issue was called "Second
Coming: Revelations" after all.
"Grow your tree of falsehood from a small grain of truth."
-- Czesław Miłosz
Don't worry. I had to Google it.
In addition to Teon, the rest of the Lights (with the exception of
Kenji) also seem to share some degree of "pull" towards Hope – I would
even go as far as to call this a thrall (e.g. Idie refusing to address
Hope as anything other than "Ma'am"). Is this an accurate assessment?
There's certainly something up. As readers, we're more aware of it than
the characters, but you'll start to see more and more of them pick up
on it as they progress. Even the lights haven't entirely picked up on
the strangeness of it yet, though it can only be time. The big question
is, what actually is it? Because, really, it could just be part of
them all sharing this life-changing event together. It could be just an
enormous endorphin rush from the stabilization experience. It could be
evil-drone-control by Hope the ur-despot. It could be a directed fairy
glamour. It could be the characters subconsciously desiring to star in
a Marvel comic. It's one of the book's big mysteries.
When I was a kid, I remember reading the bible at Catholic school and
hitting the calling of the disciples. Jesus approaches the fishermen.
"Follow me! And then they do." It struck me that actually putting us
inside a relationship akin to that would be interesting. What would it
be like to be called and have your entire life changed in a flash?
There's drama there and I want to see where it leads.
Renaldo wrote in with some hugs and questions about process. How
about giving him a squeeze and a response or three?
1) I'm a huge fan of "Phonogram" and "The Singles Club," and I was
pleasantly amazed to see you pick up on JMS' "Thor" run with such ease –
it was as if you were on the book from its revamp! Was it easy for you
for jump onto this "Second Coming" X-ship and pen "Generation
Hope" stemming from Fraction's "Five Lights" thread? Is it challenging
to jump into the X-lore with the story threads Matt Fraction and others
are giving you?
To quote the Inspiral Carpets (feat. Mark E. Smith), "Nobody Ever Said
It Was Gonna Be Easy."
Thankfully, it's as easy as it could be. With "Uncanny," I was
following Matt's run and embrace any excuse to dive back into the lore
to get a coherent vision. Involving the Five Lights, Matt and I created
the characters together, so I was deeply familiar with the
introductory plots in "Uncanny" having almost-kinda-maybe co-wrote 'em
(which is one reason why now co-writing "Uncanny" with Matt makes so
much sense. We were already working closely together on The Five
Lights/Generation Hope). Yeah, it's hard, but if I wanted an easy job
I'd have stuck with international arms dealing.
And thank you. "Phonogram" was a joy. That people actually liked it as
much as they did is a crazy joy.
2) With all the Marvel books you've done, do you prefer writing
characters and stories from "scratch" (like "S.W.O.R.D.") or is it more
interesting to hone the ideas put forward by other writers (as you'll
be doing soon with "Uncanny X-Men")?
They're both unique challenges, which satisfy different parts of the
creative urge and stretch different muscles. In terms of the Marvel
Universe, what I most like doing is actually putting a meaningful and
interesting spin on part of the mythos which then allows other stories.
It's not enough to just play with the toys – I like to put a few new
toys in there, or make an old toy more interesting by super-gluing a
chaingun to its head and repainting its shoes – Thus begins the Age of
Cyclops-Chaingun Head with the Mauve Moccasins.
Really, I like doing both. It's about mixing it up. Change is as good as
a rest and all that.
3) How much input did you have in the characters and powers of the
"Five Lights?"
I've sort of covered a lot of this in an earlier question, but a lot.
Matt and I co-created them, basically, though there's definitely
characters which are more Matt and some which are more mine. In order
of Matt-to-Me, it'd be Laurie, Gabriel, Teon, Idie and Kenji.
Laurie was mostly Matt – in fact, she's the one which barely changed at
all from his original character notes. Kenji is almost all mine,
though he did get me a copy of the awesome soundtrack of "Tetsuo: The
Bullet Man" to get the body-horror vibe going while I was writing him.
Andres is feeling a bit in the dark about a few of the details of
your new series. Could you shine a "light" on the following and reveal
some of your plans?
1) What do the "Generation Hope" kids call themselves? Is it the
"Five Lights?" Personally, I kind of like that as a team name…
One of the things I like about "Generation Hope" is that the characters
are finding their way how to talk about themselves. None of them have a
uniform or superhero name yet, and they don't have a group name.
They're discovering themselves quite naturally. And, at least in these
early days, that's the way that other people are referring to them. The
Lights. I admit, I like it too.
2) Are the Five Lights going to have permanent guardians (a la Prof
X, Banshee and Emma)?
Let's just say that this is going to be a somewhat contentious matter on
Utopia. Hope doesn't exactly take to teachers.
Well, that's it from the fans – now it's my turn. Since you just
brought up the topic of teachers, let's stick with that theme for
today's "Behind the X" question: growing up, what teacher made the
biggest impact on you and why?
Let's put aside the important lessons taught to me by Cookie Monster –
as in, making sure you always have a functional esophagus before
attempting to consume anything, as otherwise you're just going to make a
mess. While I owe a lot to various Englishy teachers – though none
ever beat the idea that thinking "Englishy" is a good thing to write
out of me – I'll go with Supreme Biology Teacher Mr. Washington. He was
so entertaining, I decided to give a Biology degree a try...which
taught me the important lesson that I never want to see a pipette again
for the rest of my life.
Er...the glass-syringe Pipette. Not the band. I'd happily see the band.
STORY BY Zeb Wells
ART BY Leonard Kirk
LETTERS BY VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY Dave Wilkins
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, November 24th, 2010
“FALL OF THE NEW MUTANTS” comes to a close and the New Mutants lose the
battle against Project Purgatory. Who has fallen? Who will no longer
be on the New Mutants? The most heart-wrenching issue of the series is
courtesy of Zeb Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Leonard Kirk (DARK
X-MEN, CAPTAIN BRITAIN & MI13). Part 5 (of 5)
STORY BY Matt Fraction
ART BY Greg Land, Jay Leisten
COLORS BY Justin Ponsor
LETTERS BY VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY Greg Land, Justin Ponsor
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, November 24th, 2010
Is there anything worse than that slow, sinking, feeling like you're
getting sick? You can't get warm. Your bones hurt. Your throat closes
and your chest gets too heavy every time you breathe and then you know
you're doomed... so what if it happened to all the X-Men, all at once?
The Sublime are back and they've unleashed a contagion on Utopia. To
what end? Why now? And what's next? Who's left in San Francisco to deal
with the Collective Man? Related: where does Dazzler get all her
awesome outfits? Part 1 (of 5)