1)Ultimate Comics X#2裡那個黑頭髮女孩是琴。(是動了全身整形手術是吧?去韓國做的嗎?)

STORY BY Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Ivan Brandon, Joe Caramagna, more...
ART BY Mike Allred, Niko Henrichon, Harvey Talibao
COVER BY Phil Jimenez
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, March 17th, 2010
All the pieces fall into place as this final issue concludes with a
bang! Namor has never taken orders from anyone before, so why does he
take them from Cyclops? Where does Emma get all those Jimmy Choo's? And
when a mystery strikes Utopia, who does Cyclops send to solve it? DOOP!
X-23 #1
STORY BY Marjorie Liu
ART BY Alina Urusov
COLORS BY Marc Hempel
LETTERS BY Rich Ginter
PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, March 17th, 2010
X-23 has spent her short life being used by those in power, from the
military to the X-Men. But when she is forced to confront a being who
can control her life with nothing but a thought, will X-23 finally
learn how to fight -- not for others, but herself? Guest-starring NYX!