就讓我為各位推薦幾篇吧! (除了編號2之外都有龍哥的身影~)
1)標題: "A Thousand Pages" (X-Men/Daredevil; Scott Summers and Matt Murdock; PG)
作者: tartanshell
領域: X-Men/Daredevil (X戰警/夜魔俠)
劇情概要: My brothers, they never went blind for what they did, but I may as well have/ In the name of
the Father, the skeptic, and the Son, I had one more stupid question... You know how those Catholic boys can be. Matt Murdock gets a pen-pal.
2)標題: "Six Televised Moments in the Very Public Life of Warren Worthington the Third"
作者:likeadeuce aka Karabair
領域: X-Men movieverse/Iron Man movieverse (X戰警/鋼鐵人)
3)標題:"Faster than Angels Fly" (Logan/Remy/Scott)(Slash/BL有)
領域: XMO/X2 (X戰警2/金剛狼)
4)標題:"Playing Hard to Get" (Scott, Tony Stark)
領域:X-Men/Iron Man (X戰警/鋼鐵人)
劇情概要: Tony Stark is trying to break into superhero society. Scott Summers can't get away fast enough.
5)標題:"System Restore" (Scott, Tony Stark)
領域:X-Men/Iron Man (X戰警/鋼鐵人)